
Abortion Persuasive Essay – Facts You Need to Know


Posted by: dyashchenko

If you are in college and is considering becoming an abortionist, you might want to consider a persuasive essay on abortion. Before you get started, though, it is important to understand what it takes to write one of these pieces. While all essay assignments can be written in an introspective, “I think…” type of way, a persuasive essay on abortion must reach its conclusions with strong evidence, logic and emotional appeal. It also requires a certain level of self-awareness in light of the sensitive topic of abortion. Here are some tips for how to do persuasive abortion persuasive essays. Keep your arguments concise and simple. The abortion debate is complicated enough as it is; writing an abortion persuasive essay that drags on too long will make it seem more irrelevant and petty. Make your points as quickly and clearly as possible without unnecessary detail, and show your audience just why you support abortion. Avoid exaggerating or fabricating statistics or stories. Abortion is one of the most controversial issues in the United States, and most people have strong opinions on it. Because of this, there are a lot of dishonest pieces circulating around the Internet that are designed to smear the pro-life movement and make abortion seem worse than it actually is. If you want to be taken seriously by abortion pro-life supporters, it is best to stick with well-established facts and work to prove your point rather than resorting to falsehoods and exaggerations. Tell a true story. While abortion is a controversial issue, there is no shortage of abortion stories from real people. Find yourself a true story, no matter how unlikely, and tell it as you would tell any other story at a press conference or at a school function. You may find that abortion pro-lifers will be impressed by how honest you are and that you have done your homework on the subject before writing your piece. Explain why you are pro-life. When you explain why you are pro-life, you will demonstrate to any abortion-protesting folks that you are a person of integrity who believes in the sanctity of life. Abortion is obviously wrong, and you will find that abortion pro-lifers will be glad to have you on their side because they will see that you understand and care about the sanctity of human life. Mention the pro-life movement often. Pro-life groups are known for having lively debates over issues such as abortion, stem cell research, embryonic stem cell research, and more. Often, abortion proponents will hold vigils outside of their clinics to demonstrate their commitment to the pro-life movement and to make their points. By talking frequently about the importance of the pro-life movement to a consistent basis, you will find that you are starting a conversation with many of them – an important part of persuading any readers who are not pro-life that you are an ethical and principled person. Endorsements from prominent individuals are great ways to get people’s attention. You can easily find mentions of other people in the pro-life movement in newspapers, magazines, or even on websites that belong to the pro-life movement. Pro-life writers and supporters will often write about notable individuals in the pro-life movement who have been involved in admirable acts of kindness and love towards those who choose abortion over life. These famous pro-life authors and supporters are great opportunities for abortion opponents to highlight what the pro-life movement is all about and how the members stand with one another on issues such as abortion. The most important part of writing an abortion persuasive essay is to be convincing. If you find yourself getting emotional or rambling when you’re talking about your views on abortion, then you are likely to lose points off of your total due credit. Keep your facts straight, and let your passion speak for itself. If you can keep this part of your abortion persuasive essay in mind, you’ll be sure to do well.

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