
Quick Steps to Making a Key Points and Evidence Essay


Posted by: dyashchenko

An exemplification essay is an argumentative essay that looks to be easier and more suitable than other kinds of essay to express your opinion. However, exemplification is not that simple because an example is the best and most effective way to explain your opinion. Besides, writing such an essay will sharpen your skills of utilizing examples in other forms of academic writing. In short, it will show you how to better organize your thoughts and to present them clearly in a certain way that the readers can understand. Therefore, in order to write an exemplification essay, below are some guidelines that you might find useful. First, you should always have an exemplification essay outline. This will give you an idea of the main idea you want to prove. As a general rule, outlines for essays should be three to four pages long. It should be self-contained and clear enough so that the readers will easily get the main idea after reading the first few lines. The outline will also serve as a guide for you to determine how you can properly structure your own paper and prove the main idea. Second, in writing an exemplification essay, you should always begin it with a clear and strong introduction. This will immediately catch the attention of the readers as they have no idea what the essay is about or what kind of content it will have. As a result, your introduction must properly introduce your main ideas and main argument. Also, an effective opening paragraph will make your readers get the big picture just what the essay is about. Third, in writing an exemplification essay, you should properly prepare your outline. This will also help you build the general concept and purpose of your essay. The outline should contain each main idea as well as the supporting details such as proof and references. In addition, when planning out your outline, you should include the preparation steps such as researching the sources, carrying out the research, writing the thesis statement, etc. Fourth, in preparing your exemplification essay, you must carry out the research properly. Of course, there are some easy ways to research the subject matter but it must not be limited to simple searching through the Internet. Of course, if you do not have the resources, you can borrow from books or visit your local library for more references. Some good examples of the kinds of arguments and statements that are commonly made in the practice of what is an exemplification essay are debates between classical political philosophers, major works of literature, and even scientific theories. Fifth, in writing an exemplification essay, you need to determine which specific types of examples you will use. There are many examples, both old and new, as well as many different forms of examples. Therefore, when planning out your outline, you should make sure that you include many examples. Among the best kinds of examples that you can use are those that you personally know something about. This way, you can easily relate to the argument and to how things work in your own life. Finally, in making the key points and evidence section for your exemplification essay outline, you must properly organize and present your information. Remember that by presenting it in a clear and organized manner, you will be able to convince your readers that what you have presented are important and relevant facts. Additionally, it is important for you to make sure that your sources are cited properly. In this manner, you will be able to prove to your readers that they are important and pertinent. Of course, there are many more steps that you can take when planning out your exemplification essay examples. However, these three steps will give you an idea as to how to begin your outline. It is a good thing to remember that if you are going to use these examples, then you need to do it correctly. This way, you will be able to present a very persuasive argument that will persuade your readers into believing what you are saying.

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