
School Uniform Research Paper


Posted by: dyashchenko

One of the most debated school subjects for years has been the pros and cons of school uniforms. Proponents of school uniforms generally argue that such a system promotes discipline, keeps children safe in school and helps them develop a sense of pride for their school. Opponents argue that school uniforms create a climate of fear in school and could lead to higher drop-out rates or even increase violence in school. Even though there may be strong arguments on both sides of this school subject, there can be some great school uniform research papers that can help you come to your own conclusion on this important topic. School uniforms research paper should begin by examining some of the pros of school uniforms. One school uniforms pros is that it promotes discipline in a school. Uniforms are a sign of authority and discipline, so it can be enticing to get children to wear uniforms. Uniforms can even be an incentive for students to work harder in school as they will have to work around other children who won’t be dressed the same as them. Another school uniforms pros and cons research paper point out that there are also school safety benefits. School safety officials note that school uniforms prevent the occurrence of school shootings. This happens when there are many children running around and if there is only one uniform, there is no confusion about who is wearing what. Uniforms also make the school look more organized because students will know exactly what is expected of them when they enter the school building. Uniforms can also promote unity since all students know their roles and you do not have to bend over backward to teach each child their proper place in the school uniform hierarchy. Some school uniforms research papers note that they have negative effects. These effects can include problems with the teacher’s performance or attitudes toward students wearing the school uniform. If the teacher doesn’t like the school uniform, they are likely to either be unprofessional or make bad comments to the students in front of the classroom. Children may feel uncomfortable walking in school with their uniforms on, or they may develop a dislike of school altogether because they see other children laughing at them because they have school uniforms on. This can lead to low self esteem and a less successful school career. One school uniforms research paper suggests that there are some school uniforms that should be banned. One school uniforms pro argues that black and pink should be banned because these colors cause too much attention to the student’s skin color. Another school uniforms research paper argues that school uniforms should only be worn for instructional purposes and not for other extracurricular activities. One school uniforms research paper suggests that teachers should not have school uniforms because it takes discipline away from them. The uniforms can also make it difficult for the teacher to keep track of the children and teach the curriculum effectively. Another school uniforms research paper suggests that school uniforms decrease safety and also increases student-teacher interaction. Children tend to behave better with their classmates when they know that everyone wearing school uniforms acts the same and is covered by the same clothing. These arguments seem sound and are usually backed up by research. There are no arguments against school uniforms from the other side. Some school uniforms research papers argue against the idea of school uniforms. They point out that children have a natural tendency to want to fit in and get respect from other children who may look different from them. School uniforms may prevent this natural socialization and give children a reason to rebel against the school. Another school uniforms research paper argues that school uniforms decrease learning and enhance laziness and poor self image. These are arguments that school uniforms research paper typically concludes but the argument that school uniforms decrease learning and improve laziness and poor self image can be easily countered by pointing out that school is a place of learning and that we should give children as many choices as possible in school. One school uniforms research paper points out that uniforms reduce discipline and promote a hostile school environment. This argument is not entirely true because uniforms may actually increase discipline. The school may need to take action and modify its dress codes to encourage teachers, parents and students to follow set dress codes. Uniforms promote unity and discipline but do not all schools actually practice these policies. Some school districts actually discourage students and teachers from wearing school uniforms due to the cost involved. There are also costs involved when purchasing school uniform shirts, trousers and tops and so on.

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