
The Relationship Of Pride And Prejudice With Self-Esteem


Posted by: dyashchenko

Many Christian, Jewish, and Islamic books and movies have Pride and Prejudice themes. However, I am not sure that I necessarily approve of them. One reason I think some of these themes are problematic is that they present a fantasy of a perfect world where people do not experience prejudice or any forms of evil. Themes like this are problematic because the only way that such a world could ever be attained is if there were no individuals who experienced prejudice or any forms of oppression. Prejudice is a form of discrimination based on stereotypes. Everyone has been created with a bias towards one group or the other. For instance, it would be extremely impossible for a group of black Americans to have any prejudice against all white Americans. We all have biases and we act and react differently based on those biases. There are times when we judge others too harshly and there are times when we fail to see something as an opportunity. I believe that the world should be seen as a place full of diversity instead of a place where all individuals are judged the same way. The reality is that all of us have prejudices towards some groups of people. We do not judge everyone on the same level. There are individuals who have prejudices against particular cultures and ethnicities, while there are many others who have no problem whatsoever with those groups. It appears that there are many more individuals who have no problem with prejudice, while there are many more individuals who have a prejudice against specific groups. It would be refreshing to go back in time and take a look at history. How can we be so sure that every single human being in history had no prejudice? How can we be so sure that all of the individuals who committed horrible crimes against humanity had no pride in what they did? How can we be so sure that the worst individuals in history did not have any pride in anything whatsoever? How can we be so sure that there are not any hidden depths within all of our pride and prejudice themes? If we could step back for just a moment and look at the world the way we would see it if everyone in the world had absolutely no prejudice or pride whatsoever. Would we treat every single person exactly the same? Would we be able to empathize with them? Would we be able to even think about them in terms of their humanity and their individualism? It is important to recognize the importance of this theme in the overall scheme of things. It is very easy for many of us to allow pride and prejudice to cloud our judgement and our thinking. We tend to dismiss other themes such as individuality, diversity, and freedom. Sometimes we even defend people who commit atrocious acts simply based on their nationality, their religious beliefs, or their sexual orientation. I am not saying that every single person in the world is a racist or bigoted, and there are certainly individuals who have strong convictions and who don’t allow prejudice to cloud their judgment. But is it right to judge and exclude those who do not fall into our pre-defined stereotypes? And is it okay to judge the humanity of another? Do we also have to judge people solely by their personal characteristics? These questions are very relevant in our own little world, and they need to be addressed. The problem with pride and prejudice is that it can prevent us from seeing another point of view. This can prevent us from being willing to learn about another culture or perspective. And worst of all, pride and prejudice inevitably leads to anger and intolerance. Are we really willing to accept other points of view, including the ones that have been proven wrong by many generations of our ancestors? Can we truly move forward as a planet without hiring a few ignorant, pride-driven individuals to lead us in the wrong direction?

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